

          Most Kamishibai stories consist of  beautifully illustrated cards. Each story, in dramatic dialogue, form, engages and holds the interest of emergent, developing, and fluent readers.  Because of their generous size, Kamishibai can be used easily with both small and large groups as well as with an individual child.

    Here we will upload materials what we did about this topic.  (photos, videos ,etc)


    The "Salmon of Knowledge" - an Irish legend


    More PPTs about kamishibay tales realized from the students of the three classes of "G. Deledda" Secondary School. They enjoyed this new kind of activity.







    Here is a PPT about a kamishibay tale  from "G.Deledda" Secondary School. The pictures were realized by Gerardo, our SEN. The work was coordinated by his special teacher and me too.





    Here is a powerpoint presentation the students from Middle 3 created with the illustrations from "The Salmon of Knowledge" - A traditional Irish Tale



    Here is some pictures about  kamishibai .All metarials prepared by our student Sükran DÜNDAR.She is explaning a stroy about our traditional hero called "The claudron gave birth"

    Here is a PPT about a kamishibay from "MURAT GERMEN  Secondary School. The pictures were realized by Şükran DÜNDAR,

    The students of "G. Deledda" dpt practised CALAMEO tool.
