EVA Project is an Erasmus+ Project based on Values. Our Project is based on a group of contents that deal with human values, attitudes and social rules which are implicitly present in schools.
Our students will use the cooperative learning and the multiple intelligences adapted in the eight basic competences in order to learn VALUES and be better citizens and make a better world for all of us.

-(Murcia, Spain) |
Ntra. Sra. De la Fuensanta (JM) Coordinator. |
-(Vienna, Austria) |
Vienna European School. |
-(Benedita, Portugal) |
Instituto N.ª Sra. da Encarnação - Cooperativa de Ensino. |
-(Istambul, Turkey) |
Engin Can Gure Ortaokulu. |
-(Zubrohlava, Slovakia) |
Zakladna skola s materskou skolou Zubrohlava. |
Work process:
We start with these nine values, one value each month for two school years:
•(Respect-No bullying) October
•(Freedom-Children Rights) November
•(Solidarity-Food Campaign-Christmas) December.
•(Responsibility- Peace Day) January.
•(Tolerance) February.
•(Sharing) March
•(Participation-Cooperative Games) April.
•(Commitment- Europe Day) 19 May
•(Honesty: Final Tests and Evaluations) June.
It is our intention that ALL participating schools will have the opportunity to travel to some of the schools with four students and two teachers of each country.
Possible Dates:
-First Mobilities in month9 in Austria. (24-30 April 2016)
-2nd Mobilities in month14 in Portugal (we changed from Turkey to Portugal because of terrorist attacks in Istambul). (13-19 November 2016)
-3rd Mobilities in Slovaquia in month19. (12-18 March 2017)
- 4th Mobilities in Spain, month21. (14-20 May 2017)
(5 working days at schools and 2 days travelling)
Our Aim is to try to establish how these Values can be taught within the school curriculum in a range of countries across Europe. Our Project could be adopted by school throughout Europe at many levels: STUDENTS, PARENTS, TEACHERS, STAFF AND ALL THE COMMUNITY.
With the use of Social Networking tools, we have absolutely no doubt that the dissemination of our end products of the project will reach a massive audience.
Subjects: Art, Citizenship, Drama, Ethics, European Studies, Foreign Languages, History, Media Education, Music, Psychology, Social Studies / Sociology, Special Needs Education.
Languages: EN
Pupil's age: 12- 15

"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."