• In Vienna Visit (24-30 April 2016), our students worked an activity about Values in a cooperative way, taking into account the Multiple Intelligences.

    Activity: One member of each country must form a group. Each group must show one Value (RESPONSIBILITY, RESPECT, TOLERANCE...), working in a COOPERATIVE WAY (the roles of the students are: Speaker, Supervisor, Moderator and Coordinator) and taking into account the MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES (DRAWING, SPEAKING, DANCING, SINGING, ACTING...). Each students of the group must complete a task (draw a logo, write a slogan, role-play or sing a song and a dance about their chosen value),  BUT ALL MUST WORK TOGETHER!

    Here you can see a video of the activity and some pictures:


    "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."