Visit to the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site (Optional)

  • On Wednesday morning (22/09/2021), while the German teachers had to  accompany their students on a field trip, two of the Portuguese teachers, Ana Maria Marques Dias and Fátima Cristina Almeida Caturra, decided to visit Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site, on the grounds of the former concentration camp, established in 1965 on the initiative of and in accordance with the plans of the surviving prisoners of the Comité International de Dachau.

    Here, not only individual visitors, with audio guides, but also many school excursions, in guided tours, were seen to recall and/or learn as well as to pay a tribute to all those that suffered and died under such tortuous situations in no way dignified for the human condition:

    "On March 22, 1933, a few weeks after Adolf Hitler had been appointed Reich Chancellor, a concentration camp for political prisoners was set up in Dachau. This camp served as a model for all later concentration camps and as a “school of violence” for the SS men under whose command it stood. In the twelve years of its existence over 200.000 persons from all over Europe were imprisoned here and in the numerous subsidary camps. 41.500 were murdered. On April 29 1945, American troops liberated the survivors."

    This on site visit, extremely well documented, is very useful not only to improve each visitor's historical knowledge and for organising our project ativities but also for citizenship awareness because the "Path of the Prisoners" in the horribilis Holocaust must be reminded amongst all generations of different cultures, races and creeds so that we "DO NOT FORGET" that it must "NEVER AGAIN" happen in Humanity!