• "HEROES" Project Logo


    In each of the four European Schools, taking part in the Erasmus+ Project "European Union Heroes", designs for the Project Logo were created by students. The two best designs from each school were internally chosen. The German School, coordinating the process, identified each of the eight designs for the Voting Poll. During the 13th and the 14th of April 2021, the European Online Voting Process took place. Teachers, Non-teaching Staff, Students and Parents / Student Guardians, from all four schools, were able to vote.




    The logo designs from Germany


    The logo designs from Italy


    The logo designs from Norway


    The logo designs from Portugal


    On the morning of the 13th of April, when the voting poll opened, the project's coordinating school had to face concerned parents calling the school because one of the logos (the second logo design from Italy) uses a David star and a swastika to represent the novel "The Book Thief" by Martin Zsusak. For Germany these symbols – seemingly out of context – are a no go. Since the German School had failed to contextualize the logos before putting them up on the voting platform, the decision was made, at the coordinating school, to withdraw the specific Italian logo from the voting poll but to carry on with the polling for the rest of the logos.

    On the 15th, the voting result was presented and the logo design that will be the project logo is:

    Congratulations to the German student who presented the winning design!


    The commotion that had been caused on the morning of the first voting day was then used as a starting point for discussion on the Second Student Virtual Meeting: raising awareness about the use and impact of fascist symbols in the different partner countries. In the discussion and the exchange of positions we did definitely learn a lot about different points of views – one of the main goals of our "Heroes" project.