Specific Rooms

  • Specific Rooms

    Technology room

    It is used for technology lessons

    Ordinary classroom

    This kind of classroom is used for the most common subjects as maths, history, languages, and so on.

    Studio for Sound and Image

    The school has a professional studio for Sound and Image which will be used to create and film parts of the final product. Also the school's Music department will support students' creative assignments and project work.

    Postproduction room

    It is used for the process after shooting or recording films


    The school has a smart library which can also be used as a study area.

    Sports area

    La Vaguada has several sports facilities, both inside and outside the buildings.

    Computer room

    New Technologies are a priority for us. Therefore most classrooms are fully equipped with computer resources.

    Chemistry Lab

    We have a few labs to perform scientific research and experiments.