Our Digital Lives. December 2020

  • 1. Watch videos by the British council showing teenagers and their daily digital lives.

    2. After discussing and comparing these examples with your own reality, students involved in the project will make a video about their own digital life: for example how and when they use media every day, either at school during breaks or in lessons, or in their free time.

    3. This can lead to a first discussion about what is too much time spent on media and what one should consider when for example communicating digitally.

    4. The videos will later be shared and analyzed at the meeting in Istanbul. The best video from each school and the best video in the project will be awarded a prize.

    5. If students are willing to do that, it is also possible to ask a few of them to challenge themselves to a tech-free-day. They will write their comments about the day on which they stay away from the electronic devices. If students do this, they can discuss their experiences at the meeting.

    A day in the digital life of a teenager


    Do the preparation task first. Then watch the video and do the exercise. Remember you can read the transcript at any time.


    Are the sentences true or false?