# Students' evaluation of the project and impact of the results


    Our students evaluated our project through a survey in a game using the tool Quizziz.

    Here is the link for the game:


    We used the programme Quizizz for the student's evaluation as we thought it would be more engaging for them. 

    The following data can be extracted from the results: There has been a high participation of the student body (202 students have completed the questionnaire) from which, a 76% declare to have a positive or very positive opinion about the project. Fun, amazing and interesting are the most voted adjectives that define this project from the point of view of our students. By far the most liked activity was the escape room, with 62% of the votes, followed by the making of the trailer with 27%. As for the most successful tools used among the children, these were Kahoot, Youtube and Quizziz, with very equal percentages (between 37 and 39%). Seventy-five percent of the students stated that they had not encountered any difficulties in collaborating with their classmates. A large majority stated that both the project and the daily lessons helped them to learn about the dangers of the Internet and expressed the importance of these projects in their learning. 74% would recommend participation in these projects.

    Check the results below: