Teens in Europe

  • In this FORUM, Greek and Danish students wrote about being a teenager in their country.

    In particular. Danish and Greek students exchanged ideas about the theme.

    ·         . ­ Julie Risum Hansen - 12.01.2016 09:22

    To be a teenager in Denmark:


    Do you guys party at the age of 15? When are you allowed to drink? 

    We often go to parties in the weekends. We are number 1 in teenagedrinking worldwide.

    - You´re allowed to buy alcohol, when you are 16

    - You can buy alcohol in a bar, when you are 18

    - It up to the parents to decide, when their children can start drinking


    Is school an important thing in your life? Is there a pressure that you have to pass

    The teachers and students are very relaxed, when it comes to school. It is not like we don´t take it seriously, but we don’t study all day and all night. Of cause some do, but it is far from all.

    Witch holydays do you make a big deal out of? Do you have a special holyday, the rest of world doesn’t have?

    We don’t make a big deal out of holydays except Christmas. The stores sometimes make small decorations when it’s Halloween, but it´s nothing compared to Christmas.

    - We have Fastelavn. (Some other students here have written more about that)

    - We have Easter

    - We have Sankt Hans


    If your country had a personality, how would you describe it?

    We are the happiest country in the world, literally. We have the number 1. Happiest population.


    How is your education system? Are their jobs enough, when you´re done? Do you travel to another country to get a job or education?

    We have a lot of education choices here in Denmark. As soon as in eighth grade, we have to decide what we want to do two years forward. That choice can affect what job we are going to have, or even how our life is going to be.

    After ninth or eighth grade you can go to something called an Efterskole. That is a place were you eat and sleep, practically living at the school. Already one month after you start, you have to consider what you want to do after that and five or six months later you are forced to make the decision.

    - We have  free education.

    - You get something called SU, when you have started your education, after you are 18. That´s almost like getting paid for going to school.

    - There are jobs enough, but it can be hard to get one if you´re unexperienced 


    Do you have to pay to go to the doctor?

             When you are under 18 you can go to the doctor and dentist for free.


            Are you relaxed when it comes to intercourse or is it something that you don´t talk about?             How do your country feel about homosexuals? Can they be married? is it normal to have               divorced parents? 

            In Denmark we are very relaxed when it comes to sex. You are allowed to have it before you         are married, and most parents  knows that their children are having sex, but they don’t make         a big deal out of it.


           You are allowed to have sex when you are 15 years old

           - Nobody looks down at you if you are interested in the same sex

           - Homosexuals can be married in the church

           - A lot of parents are divorced, and it´s almost more common to have divorced parents than            having married parents.



         Theodoti Mesopotamia - 03.03.2016 09:23

         Here in our school, every class organises parties in many different clubs, so that to get                  enough money for the trips they do around the country



    ·           Catherine/K Mesopotamia - 18.01.2016 12:09

                                      1. Greek people are wellknown about their parties and their way of                                                     entertaining.

    -Children are allowed to drink under their parents permission. However, we are really famous about teenagerdrinking,too.

    2. Well, eeucation in Greece is the most powerful tool for someone to find a good job. So, sometimes children feel like they are under a lot of pressure, due to their difficult and busy program.The majority of children fell relieved when schools are off.

    3.We have holidays during Christmas and Easter period. During Christmas holidays we celebrate the carnivals on 6th-8th January, and we call them "Ragoutsaria". Moreover, we have our national celebration on 28th October and on 25th March.

     4. Greece is the most hospitable and friendly country in the world.

     5.Our education system in Greece is really demanding. Children learn from the early age to study hard and at the age of 16 they have to choose what they want to do in their lives. However, in our country it is really difficult to find a job, due to our economic situation nowadays.So, most of the times young people search for a job in another country.The good thing is that the education is free, and that we have to spend only the morning at school. That gives us the chance to organize our program for our outdoors activities by our own.

    6. The past 2 years we are forced to pay for our health, too.