The ICT Tools We Used in Our Project

  • The ICT tools we used, in a creative way, collaboratively in our project, with esafety and copyright issues to have been taken into account :


    Google docs: Collaborative documents where we wrote our ideas. 

    Bitstrip - Avachara:  To create avatar. 

    Padlet: An easy way to write messages. 

    Youtube: For internet videos.

    Windows Movie Maker - Animoto:  to create videos.

    Dropbox: A useful tool to upload, save, and share everything  we wanted (videos etc)..

    Surveymonkey:  For questionnaires and evaluation. 

    Tricider: To exchange ideas and vote.

    Twinspace Chat-Videoconferences-Facebook Chat-Adobe Connect-Skype: To communicate.

    Issuu: To create an ebook.