Importance of Hobbies.

  • In this FORUM, we searched on internet for articles about hobbies, and we spoke about their importance.


    Teachers used the article below to inspire children about the importance of hobbies:


    After reading, students were asked to write about the importance of hobbies, and they wrote:


     Theodoti Mesopotamia - 11.04.2016 11:26

    In my opinion, the most important value of hobbies, is that they make you forget problems             of life. A lot of people need hobbies in their life, because, if they think about their                             problems all the time, they will drive crazy.

     Georgia Mesopotamia - 11.04.2016 11:44

    I think that the most important value of hobbies is that they make you forget everyday                     problems and make you relax, doing something you enjoy.

     Catherine/K Mesopotamia - 20.04.2016 09:19

    In my point of view, doing sports is the most efficient way to get away from problems of                  life. In this way you get used to a proper life style. Even though I am keen on extreme                    sports, I don't have the opportunity to have such an experience. However, I am grateful for            my Basketball team, and I try to improve myself day by day!

     Rafael Mesopotamia - 20.04.2016 09:27

    Hobbies give scope to the development of the tendencies of children. A man's inner self               is expressed during hobby hours. To some, they help preparing them for a vocation,                     as painting and photography.

     Andrianna Mesopotamia - 20.04.2016 09:34

    I think that some of the hobbies as stamp collecting, writing, and gardening etc., introduce             an element of 'play' in life, and that has an important value. 

      Efthimia Mesopotamia - 20.04.2016 09:37

     In my personal opinion, hobbies help people forget their daily problems. The importance               of hobbies is that they provide us a better way of life, because of the fact that they help                 people exercise their body and their mind too! 

       Nick Mesopotamia - 20.04.2016 09:37

    To some, hobbies help providing mental relief from the worries of life.

     Rafael Mesopotamia - 20.04.2016 09:44

    A man's inner self is expressed by hobbies. Some people have hobbies, as painting and                photography that make them a vocation. In my opinion, the most important hobbies, that                have a value for me, are collecting stamps, writing, and gardening.

    Paraskevi Mesopotamia - 11.05.2016 09:21

    Most important hobby for me is that makes me happy and be with friends.

     Christina Mesopotamia - 11.05.2016 09:23

    I would say that hobbies give "a mental relief from worries of life" !!!!!

     Vaia Mesopotamia - 11.05.2016 09:33

    For me hobbies are important because I have good time with my friends. 


    Hobbies are activities, which help us, escape the daily grind of life and

    work and give us pleasure and peace of mind. Because we are not

    being ordered to perform certain jobs, that we may not be fond of.

    Hobbies help to inculcate an appreciation for work rather than driving

    us away from it.

    The interesting thing about hobbies is that they dramatically improve

    our own personalities and character traits, therefore improving our

    performances better overall. They help us discover talents and abilities

    that we may never have known ourselves to possess, also giving us an

    insight of all the elements around us, making us learn new things each

    day. For instance, hobbies like stamp collecting, bird watching,

    photography, sports and music make our time worthwhile and give us

    information about different things.


    I believe that it is very important to have hobbies and interests. You get to meet people very similar to yourself, because they have the same hobby, and it is nice to have something, you really care about and you are good at, at the same time.


    A hobby is very important. A hobby is giving you so many things; you can meet people, make friendship, and so mosh more. A hobby isn’t only playing football or Handball, it can be anything you like. The important is that you like to do it. My hobby is being in the nature. I like to do things as kayaking, climbing and walking. Then I am in the nature. I can chill out. I can relax. Sometimes I need to be a place without technology and stress. The nature is not so stressful, like the rest of the world can be sometimes.


    I wouldn’t be same as I am today, if I didn´t have my hobbies or another hobbies.


    what is my hobbies? Well, it isn't so easy to answer. There are a ton of thing I like to do, but don’t have one thing I use all of my free time on. So I thing I will just tell the things I sometime like to do and why I like to do them. 

    Also, after reading the article in the page

    about  "Eight Reasons Why Hobbies Are Important",  students gave anwsers to the following question:

    "What hobbies do you find rewarding? What hobbies do you want to pursue, but haven’t gotten around to yet?" 

    •  Theodoti Mesopotamia - 11.04.2016 11:20

       Many hobbies can be really useful in the future for some people. That is possible because if you love whatever you do, it can become your job afterwards.Well, as a result it can offer you pleasure and confidence for what you do.  Something that I haven't tried yet but I would love to, is hiking in forests and generaly in nature.

       Georgia Mesopotamia - 11.04.2016 11:42

      Many hobbies can be rewarding especially those that help you find a job.I think that the most rewarding hobies are the ones that you put a lot of effort in.A hobby that i would like to pursue one day haas to be skydiving.I wannna feel the excitment and all that adrenaline rush it gives you.

      . Catherine/K Mesopotamia - 20.04.2016 09:43

      Through a hobby you can gain a chance for a future job..that's why nobody should give up on his hobby because             

      this may lead to be your future job!


      Christina Mesopotamia - 11.05.2016 09:27

      I would like to swIm, but there is no a close swimming pool for winter. I have to wait for summer !!!!!!


       Vaia Mesopotamia - 11.05.2016 09:32

      I would like to do more sport activities but we haven't many choices in the village I live, thats why I play Volleyball!!



      I don’t have any interesting hobbies, I like reading books and watching movies, but that is something a lot of people do. I found out recently, that my hobby is learning. I Love to learn new things, about the planets, cultures around the world and new places.


      I am very much of an indoor person and I prefer hobbies I can do indoor. Music is one of my hobbies that I spend most time on. I love both playing and listening to music and I think there’s something magical about good music.


      I always enjoyed music. When I was just a little girl, I liked dressing up, singing in the microphone and pretending to play all kinds of instruments. I liked listening to music, dancing to music and playing music.  I love my hobby, and I think everyone should have one. I would have missed a lot of hard work, great experiences and good friends if I didn’t have any hobby.


      I love politics and community-sciences.


      My hobby is being in the nature. I like to do things as kayaking, climbing and walking. Then I am in the nature. I can chill out. I can relax. Sometimes I need to be a place without technology and stress. The nature is not so stressful, like the rest of the world can be sometimes.


      I don’t have any direct hobbies, as in arranged activities I attend at certain times in my spare time. However, I do have hobbies as in how I like to spend my time. One thing I thoroughly enjoy spending my time on is listening to music.


      My hobbies is windsurfing and dancing. Even though it might not be the first thing to pop into your head when your see me. I started windsurfing when I was 12 years old. I could not swim, and I generally hated the ocean. I was afraid of deep water, and felt like I was drowning whenever I was not able to reach the ground.


      My hobbies are properly drawing, nail polish and watching anime. The thing I wouldn’t be able to live without is definitely drawing and music. I wouldn´t say that hearing music is a hobby unless you do it a lot, like really a lot. I think more of it as a way to escape from the real world, than an actually hobby. Whenever I am sad or happy or anything at all actually, then I draw and hear music. I can´t draw without hearing music. The drawing part makes my mind flow into the page, and the music shuts me out from the rest of the world

      Emma s

      I like to play guitar. I have played for a long time now. I also really like diving. I did that for too years in my home town. And it was so cool, it is a really fun experiences. I also like claiming, again not a thing you can do all the time. But if you ever get the chance you take it.


      My hobbies are sailing and playing guitar. I am also currently in the process of getting a Danish hunting license, which requires quite a lot of work.