" The strength of a team is each individual member,
the strength of each member is the team" Phil Jackson
Teachers worked cooperatively during the project, by online meetings, communicating via whattsapp group and also via emails.
As SDGs peace is part of the Erasmus+ project " SDGs Action!" the tasks programmed for this project were coordinated in the same meetings.
9th October 2020
SDGs Action! Agreements
- Videoconferences: Finland and Catalonia were great , and France and Romania too. Bulgaria and Italy pending.
- Cécile is preparing a single video with all the messages in different languages "Peace in the world please"
- We agree to stay only 6 countries in the SDGs peace project
- Wall of wisdom : each country will write at least 3 quotes on the virtual wall + build in each school a real wall with the bricks (template available in the materials section)
- Next coordinators meeting : 20th November at 12:00 CET
Enjoy and take care!
20th November 2020

Find the agreements on this document:
Online meeting 20th November 2020.docx
Next online teachers meeting: 15th January 2021
15th January 2021
Project plan
January: interviewing celebrities
February: Art alphabet
March- April: evaluation: students ( twinboard and forum) Teachers ( Video recordings on flipgrid)
4. Dissemination
It is very important that each country disseminates the project via reports, media etc
Next coordinators meeting: Friday 19th February at 12:00 CET

19th February 2021
SDGs Peace :
- 2 interviews have been done. The one involving Finland and Romania to be done.
- Peace art alphabet : some letters are missing. Take photos in case you do an exhibition in your school.
Very good feedback from our students with the Art alphabet ebook
NEXT COORODINATOR'S meeting : Friday 26th March 12:00 CET
Agreements online meetings, 19th February.docx

26th March 2021
Evaluation SDGs Peace - to be done during April
- students : a twinboard where students can write actions they will do following the project
- teachers : record a short video (even in native language)
Page should be public so that students who are not at school can write.

WHATSSAPP communication
Whatsapp is a very useful and quick tool to communicate among teachers for our daily tasts, to solve doubts and to share our achievements!

All particpant teachers keep in touch through several tools: whatsapp but also a google account: sdgsaction@gmail.com