• November 20  - International Children's Rights Day

    Primary school kraljice Jelene

    Teacher: Anita Čupić

    Class: 2

    International Children's Rights Day is celebrated on November 20 and promotes the international community, awareness of children around the world, as well as the even better well-being of children. We discussed the rights of the child and the Convention on the Rules of the Child adopted by the UN. The child has the right to food, accommodation, family, identity, education, medical care ...

    We are very happy that we all go to school and that we all respect and love each other. We also drew some children’s rights.



                                  4.11. World Inventor's Day

    Promary school kraljice jelene,  Solin

    Teacher: Anita Čupić

    Class: 2


    Along with the World Inventor's Day, we studied the watches of the inventor Faust Vrančić: sundial, water clock and fire watch.

    Our unusual lessons were created during the Art Culture class.



    November 20 - World Children's Day

    School: Gymnazium School Grigore Silași, Beclean

    Teacher: Cristea Ileana

    Class 4

    Every year, on November 20 - to mark the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child - UNICEF celebrates International Day of the Rights of the Child, promotes respect for children's rights and organizes fundraising campaigns for the most pressing issues facing children. so that each child develops to its full potential.

    world Children`s Day.pptx


      1.11. Feast of All Saints

    Elementary school Čazma - Ivana Moguš, fifth and sixth grade students.

    Objective: To make environmentally friendly lamps.


    November 26 - World Olive Tree Day

    School: Şehit Hakan İncekar Secondary School / Menderes / İZMİR
    Teacher: Halil ÖNGÖREN
    5th grade

     Subject: Interdisciplinary

    The World of Living Things knows the Features of Plants.
    (Science Education, health education)
    Sustainable goal 15: Life on land 

    Conserving and cultivating the olive tree is a growing imperative as the world combats and adapts to climate change. The protection of cultural and natural heritage, including landscapes, is at the heart of UNESCO’s mission and marking World Olive Tree Day reinforces environmental sustainability efforts.

    The aim of World Olive Tree Day is to encourage the protection of the olive tree and the values it embodies, in order to appreciate its important social, cultural, economic and environmental significance to humanity.





    November 9 - Inventor's Day

    School: Primary school Queen Jelena, Solin

    Teacher: Nives Bogdan

    Class 4

    Subject: Interdisciplinary (Croatian language, health education, civic education)

    Sustainable goal 9: Industry, inovation and infrastructure

    To encourage pupils' innovation and creativity, which is one of the sustainable goals, students had a task to create an invention. They made sketches of their inventions, explained how their inventions will serve people, described them and explained why their invention is important. One of the tasks was to create an advertisement for their inventions.

    They were very creative!

    Name of the invention: Multiplier of the food 3001

    Sustainable goals 1, 2, 3, 7, 9 : No poverty, Zero hunger, Good health and well-being,

    Affordable and clean energy, Industry, inovation and infrastructure

    What is the purpose of an invention? How is invention useful to us?

    "My invention multiplies food. It works on solar energy and wind energy. A multiplier of the food 3000 is programmed that it cannot serve bad purposes. My invention will help poor people who can’t afford enough food. It will increase the amount of food and there will be no more hungry people in the world."

    Name of the invention: Mozabox 3 000

    Sustainable goals 4, 7, 9 : Quality education,

    Affordable and clean energy, Industry, inovation and infrastructure

    What is the purpose of an invention? How is invention useful to us?

    "This machine will make learning easier and affordable for all children. All you have to do is to put a helmet on your head and you will get a knowledge of the things that you are interested in.
    The batteries are rechargeable and are powered by solar energy so Mozabox 3000 is environmentally friendly.
    The device is free of charge for the poor students who cannot afford an adequate education."


    November 16 - International Day of Tolerance

    School: Primary school Queen Jelena, Solin

    Teacher: Nives Bogdan

    Class 4

    Subject: Interdisciplinary (Croatian language, health education, civic education)

    Sustainable goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions


    "Don't make fun of people" - film projection

    Workshop "I am a super hero _________ and I fight against _______"

    I am a super hero Vineman and I fight against environmental pollution.

    My motto is: When we protect nature, nature protects us. 

    This is my fight plan:

    I am a super hero Rakić and I fight against war.

    I am a super hero Mr. Digital I fight against chaos and intolerance on social networks.


    November 20 - World Children's Day

    School: Primary school Queen Jelena, Solin

    Teacher: Nives Bogdan

    Class 4

    Subject: Interdisciplinary (Croatian language, health education, civic education)

    Sustainable goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

    We participated in a Festival od children’s rights. We talked about conflict and how the conflict can be resolved, we created word clouds on the topic of conflict.

    The best part was a workshop "How to non-violently resolve conflicts" and film projection "Just because".


    School: Primary school Queen Jelena, Solin

    Teacher: Vedrana Kuduz

    Class 1.a

    Sustainable goals: 4. Quality education
    16: Peace, justice, and strong institutions

    November 20 - World Children's Day

    Our class celebrated World Children's day by participating in various activities and games.


    Undoubtedly, the most interesting one was “Čovječe ispravi se” ( ). UNICEF Croatia designed this unique game to promote the importance of children’s rights and the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. After we had successfully answered the questions, we got a certificate for participation.


    Pupils learned how to distinguish needs from wishes and the fact that children’s rights serve to protect their rudimentary needs. Later on, we had a short discussion and pupils concluded that one of the most important rights is the one to play. Our class finished happily with friendly verses of the song “Prijateljstvo”.



    November 20 - World Children's Day

    School: Primary school  Skalice, Split

    Teacher: Anita-Davorka Kružičević

    Class 8

    Subject: World Children's Day

    Sustainable goal 6: Ensure access to drinking water for all, sustainable water management and ensure hygienic conditions for all



    1. Watching:

     the movie "Help children with difficulties"

    Children who die from "living" water


    1. Game: Man stand up straight
    2. Writing an essay: That I am a parent
    3. writing messages to the mayor, the authorities ...
    4. writing messages about their feelings after reading the text: Children who die from “living” water
    5. Making billboards in the classroom


    Dissemination in the local newspaper

    School: Primary school Queen Jelena, Solin, Croatia

    An article in the local newspaper "Solinska kronika"  is about Let's Live Sustainably project, and the activity of olive picking in the schoolyard, olive oil production in the past and nowadays and it points out great cooperation among 


      school staff, pupils and the local community. 

      20.11. Dan prava djeteta - 2.b OŠ Čazma

      Class 2th grade

      Teacher: Anita Mikulandra

      For Children's Rights Day, a workshop on children's rights, and what a true friend it must be...





      School: 1st Primary School Bjelovar

      Teacher: Klaudija Aušperger

      Class: 7th and 8th grade

      Subject: Interdisciplinary (civic education, health education)

      Sustainable goal 3: Good Health and Well-being


      Activities: Students fills in the survey about how much they know about diabetes, how to recognize simptoms of diabetes and how healthy way of living affects on it.

      Our student Petra with diabetes took a video about her daily routine.

      November - Olive picking in Solin

      School: Primary school Queen Jelena, Solin

      Teacher: Zdenka Jerković

       Class 4

      Subject (s): Biology