Mobility to La Réunion - Day 2

  • Day 2 - TUESDAY 29th June - TRADITIONS


    1. 20 désamb celebrations

    • Check out these resources our local NomItes have prepared  about Maloya and play our Kahoot quiz!
    • video about R.I.’s history.

    2. Gran Mèr Kal (All Saints’ Day)

    Get to know more about this legend: share any All Saints’ Day legends from your countries in the FORUM

    3. Reunionese sayings

    Watch our explanatory videos : what would be the equivalents in your languages? Share in the Twinboard below!


    Preparing Day 3:  Wilderness in R.I.


    • Look at some of our landscapes and play the “R.I. or NOT R.I.?” Kahoot quiz !
  • Reunionese sayings: tell it in your own language!

    Step by step we reach our goal

    Poco a poco hila la vieja el copo
    Chi va piano va sano e va lontano

    Nothing ventured, nothing gained

    Chi non risica, non rosica
    Quem nao arrisca, nao petisca

    The child who doesn't cry, doesn't eat

    Chi non piange non puppa
    Quien no llora no mama
    Quem não chora não mama

    A hand washes the other

    Uma mão lava a outra
    Una mano lava l'altra
    Una mano lava la otra

    The luck of some is not that of others

    A sorte de uns é o azar de outros
    Unos nacen con estrella y otros estrellados
    La fortuna sorride ad alcuni e ride di altri

    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day

    Sacco vuoto non tiene in piedi

    In the yes, there is no dispute

    Sul sì non si discute
    Sobre gustos no hay disputas
    Quando um não quer, dois não brigam