European level

  • Dear madam,

    The European Commission would like to congratulate you on No Man Is an Island, which we selected as an example of good practice in this month’s editorial of the School Education Gateway. We are impressed with your project, and thought it a good fit for this month’s topic, pupil mobilityYou can find the publication here in 23 languages.

    We invite you to share it with your project partners and participants, as well as other colleagues. You might also be interested in other articles on the same topic, like our latest expert article.

    If you are not yet familiar with the School Education Gateway (Twitter: #EdGateway), we encourage you and your colleagues to find out about the opportunities the platform provides. Besides the support in planning of Erasmus+ projects (including help with partner-finding), you can also find news and events, expert articles, policy updates, and examples of good practice from across Europe. We also have a number of professional development opportunities, including online courses, webinars and teaching materials in the Teacher Academy section.

    With best wishes for your continued success,

    Ismini Georgiadi, Editorial Officer

    Support Services for the School Education Gateway
    EUN Partnership AISBL, Rue de Trèves 61, B-1040 Brussels

    t +32 (0)2 790 75 35 f +32 (0)2 790 75 85

    School Education Gateway is an initiative of the European Commission, funded by Erasmus+ and operated by European Schoolnet.


    On the 27th of May at 11 am CET we've been invited to share our experiences as eTwinners and Erasmus+ "ambassadors" during a panel held by the Eurydice Network.

    A chat on teachers in Europe and the eTwinning experience

    What is the current state of play of the teaching profession?