• This is a multidimensional project (year 3) aimed at reflecting, planning and carrying out together the eTwinning & E+ KA229 activities between European schools from Italy, France, Spain, Finland and Portugal.

    It is also aimed at developing our students' transversal skills with a particular emphasis on critical thinking, social studies, foreign languages and digital skills by promoting innovative practices in education and transnational cooperation while sharing good practices, fostering inclusion and contributing to the prevention of early school leaving.

    The main idea has come out from a common thought about some essential themes permeating our world such as globalization, migrations, social issues, the awareness that we all belong to a “common home”, the cultural richness brought by every single country and the innovation in education.

    The project purposely and carefully selected topics to deal with during the activities: EU Citizenship, EU awareness and intercultural learning.


    Are you curious about our whole project?

    Let's discover who we are and what we did last year...

    Here you are the link to our first and second year eTw project.