Timetable for the project

  • Timeline

    The following is a suggested Project Timeline, based on our plan.  Please have a look and see what you think

    We will need to agree dates for the video call for our own schools. It is essential also to hold one or two planning calls between the teachers in advance of the call with the pupils to check the connection and technology.



    - Project plan written and agreed. 

    -Twinspace established. 

    -Partners invited.  (Further partners possibly added. )

    - pupils to design a logo for the project (upload by first week in November)

    - sharing information from each country and school (maybe including vokis from the children and StepMap to show where your school and country are in Europe);



    Please note that it is important to share the information on songs and the decorations to give partners enough time to use the information 

    By 20 November

    Upload logos

    By 30 November

    Upload a recording of your song and the words.

    Set December dates for video call and practice call with your partner school.

    By 30 November

    Upload instructions for making your decoration.

    Also in November:

    - vote for favourite logo - start after Friday 20 November.

    - put your school’s address on the list on the Twinspace (for the Christmas cards);

    - decide with your pupils which decoration(s) to use;

    - decide which song you will use and practise it with your pupils;

    - read each others' entries about their schools and discuss in class; possible comments added in the Twinspace.

    - Teachers – training in Erasmus+ programme.

    -Start learning all the other songs.

    -Make Christmas cards for the partners

    -Write information about Christmas in your country on the Twinspace

    -Send the Christmas cards by snail mail. (Date?)

    - make Scratch cards/posters?

    - start ECAS application for PIC code for school



    Read the information about Christmas in the other countries (pupils can made little books about Christmas in Europe if there is time in your curriculum)

    Upload Scratch cards/posters

    Keep practising the songs

    Hold a practice video call (teachers only)

    Hold the video call with partner school (we could sing our Christmas songs; and also say what we have learned about Christmas around Europe through doing the project)

    Feedback on blog – what we have learned in the project (pupils and teachers)



    Outcome – a published ebook about Christmas decorations for children to make.  Could some of the children make this ebook??

    Write individual school European Development Plan (those wanting to use E+)

    Preparation of Erasmus+ application.