Activity C2 in Izmir, Turkey

  • 21-25 March 2022 from Turkey

    Coordinating this project between 21-25 March 2022, the Turkish school hosted the 2nd international mobility for peer teaching of Contemporary Turkish.

     Turkish team trained students on methodology in 20 hours Assistant teachers were also responsible for observing lessons for assessment and further education.

    - Technical support team responsible for electronic equipment, room setup, digital resources, video recording and scheduling of lessons.

    - Guides responsible for the guests getting to know the school facilities, the host families, and the safety and orientation of all foreign students in the city at their leisure.

    Peer teachers engaged students in conversation by offering ways in which they could perform simple daily communicative tasks in Modern Turkish: greeting, talking about likes and dislikes, languages ​​and nationalities, introducing themselves and their families, talking about. interests, hobbies, talents and aspirations


    The second phase, the session, was quite different. Turkish songs were sung accompanied by peer teachers. They repeated the words they learned through card games