Learning, Teaching and Training Activities

  • Our project includes six transnational meetings for Learning, Teaching and Training activities.

    This is the timetable of mobilities we are planning to do from November 2021-May 2023

    Activity C1 (November 22-26,  2021) is organised and hosted at the coordinating school, the 3rd Upper Secondary School of Nea Philadelphia "MILTOS KOUNTOURAS" in Athens, Greece. Teachers will have a kick-off meeting to agree on the details of the project implementation, evaluation and dissemination and familiarise themeselves better with Suggestopedia so they can train their own pupils to peer-teach their languages. The suggestopedic training will be offered by the English teacher at the coordinating school with the resources available in this TwinSpace PAGE: Suggestopedic peer-teacher training.

    The project teams of peer-teachers, assistant teachers, technical support and guides are preparing to host their peers from the partner schools and teach them Modern Greek in only 10 hours! Will they make it? Of course, they will, with the help of the cultural resources they have been collecting and the suggestopedic techniques they have orchestrated.

    Activity C2 (February 2022) will be hosted by the Turkish school, Mersinli Mesleki Technik ve Anadolu Lisesi in Izmir where the students will peer-teach Turkish using the same methodology.

    Activity C3 (April 2022) will take place in Celakovice in the Czech Republic where the students of Gimnasium Celakovice will teach the Czech language to their peers from all the other schools.

    Activity C4 (October 2022) will be organised by the Italian school 'Liseo Scientifico' in Bergamo whose students will peer-teach Italian.

    Activity C5 (February 2023) will take place in Lithuania where the students of the Vilnaus Gymnasium will teach their peers Lithauanian. 

    Activity C6 (April 2023) will be hosted by the Portuguese school in Madeira where we will learn Portuguese from the students themselves.

    For a more detailed description of each LTTA, please go to the subpages here.