Lorens Kaužēns


    Transaction 1 - Purchase - Vonovia

    Price: 57,62 EUR
    Number of shares : 100
    Total cost: 100*57,62=5762 EUR
    Remaining budget: 100 000-5762= 94 238EUR

    Transaction 3 - Purchase - Ahold Delhaize

    Price: 23,61
    Number of shares : 211
    Total cost: 211 * 23,61 = 4981,71
    Remaining budget: 80 538 - 4981,71 = 75 556,29 EUR

    Transaction 2 - Purchase - Air Liquide

    Price: 137.00
    Number of shares : 100
    Total cost: 100*137=13 700EUR
    Remaining budget: 94 238 - 13 700 = 80 538 EUR

    Transaction 4 - Sale- Ahold Delhaize

    Price : 24.80 EUR
    Number of sells : 211
    Total cost : 24,80 * 211 = 5232,8 EUR
    Remaining budget: 80 538 + 5232,8 = 85 770, 8 EUR

    Transaction 5 - Purchase- BASF

    Price: 1632.00 EUR
    Number of shares : 50
    Total cost: 1632.00 * 50 = 81 600 EUR
    Remaining budget: 85 770,8 - 81 600= 4170,8 EUR

    Transaction 6 - Sale- BASF

    Price: 1685.00 EUR
    Number of shares : 50
    Total cost: 1685.00 * 50 = 84 250 EUR
    Remaining budget: 4170,8+ 84 250 = 88 420,8 EUR

    Transaction 7 - Purchase- BASF

    Price: 1609.00 EUR
    Number of shares : 50
    Total cost: 1609.00 * 50 = 80 450
    Remaining budget:88 420,8 - 80 450 = 7970.8 EUR

    Transaction 9 - Sale- Vonovia

    Price: 55.20 EUR
    Number of shares : 100
    Total cost: 100*55,20=5520 EUR
    Remaining budget: 5520 + 13 206 = 18 726 EUR

    Transaction 10 - Sale- BASF

    Price: 1609.00 EUR
    Number of shares : 50
    Total cost: 1609.00 * 50 = 80 450
    Remaining budget: 80 450 + 18, 726 = 99, 176 EUR

    Transaction 11 - Purchase- Keiring

    Price: 537.20EUR
    Number of shares : 184
    Total cost: 537,2* 184 = 98 844,8 EUR
    Remaining budget: 99, 176 - 98 844,8 = 331,2 EUR

    Transaction 12 - Sale- Keiring

    Price: 543.55EUR
    Number of shares : 184
    Total cost: 543,5* 184 = 100 004 EUR
    Remaining budget: 331,2 + 100 004 = 100 335,2EUR