
  • Responsibilities within the project are set as follows:

    1. Poland ( coordinator) will ensure aims and outcomes are respected and that partners remain motivated and focused.
    The Polish team has a key role in the use of digital media tools, in capturing memorable moments during LTT meetings, editing with other partners’ shots and uploading the results on the project journal and on eTwinning.

    2. Slovakia will organize/monitor of the common project website. Moreover, the Slovak team will provide guidance and expertise to partners during the drafting of an online magazine, an open source app. for digital magazine publishing, as well as oversee historical documents and images of peerteaching lessons. They will put together a selection of the best artistic contributions from partners to create the multi-national calendars of flowers and fruits. Native, endangered, medicinal, edible and poisonous plants will be photographed, together with associated legends, anecdotes, recipes
    and cures.

    3. Italy: The Italian school will be responsible for writing and uploading on-line students' quizzes to assess English and science skills and for the use of CLIL eaching and assessment materials and methodology, for pre-testing them and maximising their effectivenesss. They will encourage the compilation of a European Language Portfolio by all participating students

    4. Spain: The Spanish partner has competences in Wikiloc and Wikipedia applications and websites and will be special advisor for topics and tasks connected to the subject of biology, environmental science and innovative IT applications for use in schools.
    They will oversee the setting up of, training for and contributions to The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program.