• DAY 2:

    First, four students from IES Alonso de Ercilla, who participated in the book reading about Dune, made a presentation explaining what they have read and some implications in environment. Then, pupils from the three countries, solved a test about Dune.

    The following activity was an online class from Norway by teacher Bente Bruskeland. It was about 'reaction chain', theorical concepts and the relationship with environment and how our students could have an influence in future. After this, there was a practical activity ' making a slope'. Students could practice all the theory explained, it was funny and very educational.

    At the end of the day, we had an activity about making bookmarks with recycling materials. In Spain, we had the cooperation of Carolina, art teacher. Previously, some English teachers from Spain ( Állvaro, María, Carmen and Luke, conversation assistant) read Chapter VII from The Little Prince. This was a prelude to making the bookmarks.