
This eTwinning project is created on the occasion of K229 project “I’mpact”. This Erasmus+ program focus on environmental issues and how we can act to mitigate climate change. We are three the schools that participate in this moving and engaged adventure: IES Alonso de Ercilla, from (Ocaña, Spain), Middenschool Sint-Pieter (Oostkamp, Belgium) and Øyslebø oppvekstsenter (Øyslebø, Norway). “I’mpact” eTwinning project has as objective to serve as broadcast medium of the activities that precede the exchanges and that will take place during the exchange academic years. Additionally, this project will be used to create genuine activities that will be based on the possibilities that eTwinning platform offers. In essence, eTwinning platform will be decisive to perform our Erasmus project as well as it will help us to disseminate our work.

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