Persephone, her importance in meteorology

  • Our most artistic students have painted a portrait of Persephone.



    Persephone, daughter of the god of lightning, Zeus, and Demeter, goddess of fecundity and fertility, is considered the queen of the underworld. Thanks to her, the Greeks explained the change of the seasons of the year.
    Hades, the god of hell, fell in love with Persephone, so he kidnapped her and took her to her world. The nymphs who saw that disaster and did not intervene were punished and turned into mermaids.
    Demeter, devastated by the disappearance of her daughter, goes to Helios, the sun, to tell her what has happened, since he sees everything. The earth begins to dry up and the fields stop blooming, because the goddess who was supposed to take care of her had no courage because her daughter was in the underworld.
    Zeus decides that Persephone be returned to her mother. However, Hades manages to deceive her and convinces her to integrate a grenade, which condemns her to remain in her kingdom. In the end, they come to an agreement for Persephone to spend half a year with her mother and half a year with Hades.
    In this way, there are six months in which Demeter is happy, which means the arrival of spring and the earth flourished; But for the other six months the land was barren again.