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    Primary school Ivanec:

    School web page (KLIK)

    School Facebook page

    Kad učitelji budu učenici - diseminacija na portalu skole.hr

    Inter-County Conference "Erasmus +, Opportunity, Incentive", April 14, 2022


    Today, the Franjo Serta Bednja Elementary School hosted the inter-county conference "Erasmus +, Opportunity and Incentive". Teachers of the host school from the Bednja Primary School, the Čakovec Primary School, the Izidor Poljak Primary School from Višnjica and the Ivan Kukuljević Sakcinski Primary School in Ivanec shared their Erasmus + experiences. In this way, Ivanec Elementary School realized a significant dissemination activity of the Erasmus + KA229 project "Green Energy Saves the Earth". The project was presented by Melita Brodar and Marina Švelec


  • Dissemination 2020 - 2022

    Primary school Ivanec, Croatia - Suzana Jagić

    Izvješće Agencije za mobilnost

    Primary school Ivanec, Croatia - Suzana Jagić

    Kad učitelji budu učenici - portal skole.hr

    Bulgaria-Dissemination results of LTTA in Terni, Italy

    The students who took part in the mobility told their classmates about the activities during their stay in Terni, Italy.

    Bulgaria-Dissemination results of LTTA in Terni, Italy

    Student`s essay

    Primary school Ivanec, Croatia - Suzana Jagić

    Mobility in Bulgaria - Dissemination

    Primary school Ivanec, Croatia - Suzana Jagić

    Mobility in Varna, Bulgaria - Dissemnination