Primary school Ivanec, Croatia

  • Team Ivanec, Croatia

    Erasmus Days 2020


    Solar cells - Ivanec Croatia.pptx




    Team Croatia online 4. 5. 2021.


    Erasmus Days 2021

    Erasmus fizika engl.mp4



    Mountain Clean up Day.pptx

    geotermalna energija (1) (2).pptx

    Geotermalna energija, termalne vode i primjena - 20. 5. 2021.:

    geotermalna energija (1) (2).pptx



    Vođenje topline:

    U limenci se nalazi vruća voda s uronjenom bakrenom žicom na kojoj je komadić čokolade. Toplina vođenjem prelazi sa žice na čokoladu.


    Primary school Ivanec, Croatia

    VLAK. Mladi fizičari. Made by Sara, 8. b

    Primary school Ivanec, Croatia


    Primary school Ivanec, Croatia

    Izrada autića na solarni pogon 1

    Primary school Ivanec, Croatia

    Izrada autića na solarni pogon 2

    Primary school Ivanec, Croatia

    Izrada autića na solarni pogon 3

    Primary school Ivanec, Croatia

    Izrada autića na solarni pogon 4

    Primary school Ivanec, Croatia

    Solar powered car. Students from Croatia have bulit a solar powered car with their physics teacher, Damir Švelec. They enjoyed the process, and have learned a lot during this fun and successful experiment.

    Primary school Ivanec, Croatia

    Let's protect the environment and dispose of waste properly. Students from Ivanec, Croatia (classes 6 b and 6 d) have made presentations in their I.T. class under the mentorship of their I.T. teacher, Renata Papec. The presentations deal with the topic of environmental protection and waste disposal. The students covered the topic as part of the activities of the Erasmus + project Green Energy Saves the Earth. The presentations were then translated into English under the mentorship of their English teachers Biljana Migač and Marina Putar.You can see some of the presentations in the attachment.

    Primary school Ivanec, Croatia

    Solar energy in households
    Students from Ivanec, Croatia have done a presentation about the usage of solar panels in households. With the help of their physics teacher, Damir Švelec, and our school educator, Iva Kelemen, they have made the survey about this form of renewable energy and analyzed its results. They have also interviewed Goran Ribić, a house owner who has been using solar panels, and learned a lot from him.

    Primary school Ivanec, Croatia

    Mountain Clean up Day
    A group of 7th grade students from Ivanec went hiking on the Ivanščica mountain. On their trip they saw how nature should not look like. There was trash and garbage all along the path. The decision was made to help their environment by cleaning it.

    After they were finished they wanted to rase awareness, so they wrote essays and made online posters

    Primary school Ivanec, Croatia

    Electromagnetic train

    Primary school Ivanec, Croatia

    Solar cells

    Primary school Ivanec, Croatia - Suzana Jagić

    Green energy saves the world - host nations quiz

    Primary school Ivanec, Croatia
    Primary school Ivanec, Croatia

    Vođenje topline: U limenci se nalazi vruća voda s uronjenom bakrenom žicom na kojoj je komadić čokolade. Toplina vođenjem prelazi sa žice na čokoladu.

    Primary school Ivanec, Croatia
