
  • Teachers

    Primary school Ivanec, Croatia - Suzana Jagić

    Hello everyone! I am Suzana and I am a history teacher. My town Ivanec is located below the mountain Ivanščica where many clear mountain streams spring. The most famous passes through the city and over time there were many mills on it. We want to introduce you to our mills and what water meant in the past, and what it means today for the residents of my city.

    Yordan Yovkov Primary School, Varna, Bulgaria,Julieta Mihaylova
    TEAM Primary school Ivanec, Croatia


    Primary school Ivanec, Croatia - Lana Čiček

    Hi, my name is Lana Čiček and I am an English teacher from Ivanec, Croatia. I am also the coordinator for the Croatian team. I have great students and colleagues and I am happy that I am a part of this project. It is great to meet new people and share interesting and exciting ideas.

    Chrys Vrajitoru, Scoala Profesionala Holboca, Romania
    1st High School of Kalampaka. - Leonidas Leventis

    I am an ICT teacher. I have been teaching at 1st High School of Kalampaka since 2004. My subjects are computer science, mathematics, technology and geography. I am sociable, openminded person and my passion is traveling.

    1st High School of Kalampaka. - Papagiannopoulos Konstantinos

    I’m teaching German as a foreign language at the 1st High School in Kalampaka Greece. I’ve been involved in several school projects and I do believe that those kind of programs are helping the pupils develop personal qualities, but most important to experience what it means to be part of the European family.....

  • Dear partners, our teachers will introduce themselves in the Twinboard.

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