• ACTIVITIES 2021 - 2023

    Green Energy Saves the Earth


    New Schedule of activities



    November / December 2021 evaluating impact on students by following methods:

    • 1) questionnaire
    • 2) observation of students' interest/enthusiasm for learning, conclusions by science teachers
    • 3) possible progress in comparing marks/ grades received by students for science learning before and after participating to the project activities


    January/February 2022 creative writings about the future of the planet's environment, improving responsibility and critical thinking skills


    March/April 2022 building a power generator that uses green energy, practical activity increasing interest for science


    May/June 2022 outdoor activities promoting eco-friendly attitude and responsibility


    September / October 2022 designing a blueprint of the ideal ecological home including details about utilities: water, electricity, heating


    November / December 2022 science workshop, choosing a practical activity described in the Guide for Green Energy to do with students


    January/February 2023 creative activity, design the city of the future that uses only green energy: posters/drawings


    March /  April 2023 online research by students: find and present  recent interesting novelties/ discoveries / inventions in science


    👉 project web s ite
