Results: Top 3 in each category

  • Top 3 in the 3 categories, 1.Cartoons, 2. Teen Dramas and 3. Miscellaneous (soap operas, sitcoms, detective series etc)

    1. The Simpsons (24 votes), Mr Bean (15), The Smurfs, Adventure Time (11)

    2. The Vampire Diaries (23), Jessie (18), The next step (14)

    3. Castle (22), Once upon a time (16), NCIS (12) 

    (to find out how the children voted take a look at the Google speadsheet)

    Mixed Nationality TV Groups are formed based on the children's votes (scroll down)






















    Based on their TV series preferences the students are arranged in transnational groups (see also "Favorite Series-The Character Avatars" Page)