Work Outline

  • A brief outline and description of the project activities is provided here. 


    Favourite songs

    October -November 2015 

    The children post their favorite songs as well as the song lyrics and prepare 4 language tasks/worksheets: a Wordsearch or Soup of Letters, a Crossword puzzle, a Cloze or a Fill in the blanks exercise, a Picture Dictionary using different words in each worksheet. Their international partners are invited to use Paint software to complete the Worksheets, save their answers as images and upload them on a padlet wall. 


    Favourite Video Games

    December 2015 

    The children suggest video games they like and write a glossary including the vocabulary which  is used in the instructions and in the development of the game. They use TwinMail and/or Forum to make arrangements for play dates among project partners to meet and play the game online.


    Favourite Cartoons & TV series

    January- February 2016

    Partner classes co-work on a shared list of favourite cartoons and TV series. The children vote for their favourite one and they are arranged in groups based on their preferences. They watch an episode or two of their favourite one. Group members pick up a character, draw him/her, write up his/her profile, create a voki or a video using text and drawing. The drawings are collected on a prezi presentation and arrangements for an online game of “Who is who” are made.   


    Favourite YouTubers

    April 2016

    Using an online tool, Tricider the children suggest YouTubers they like and comment on each YouTuber mentioning the reason/s they like them. Each child may vote for two favourite YouTubers.


    Other activities:

    "Introducing myself", videos where children talk about themselves.

    "Halloween activities, cards, video conference.".

    "Christmas activities": video call for exchanging Christmas wishes and singing a carol together.

    "Easter activities",Easter cards.