Favourite cartoons & TV series

  • 1. We’ll start with making a list of cartoons and serials the children like.
    2. Children vote for their favorite one using the Google form below and they are arranged in transnational groups based on their preferences.
    3. They watch an episode or two of their favorite one (using Ororo.tv or ClassHook )
    4. They draw pictures of the characters, take photos of the posters and upload them on TwinSpace.(Materials section). The drawings are included in a Prezi presentation of all the Favourite Characters from all the Favourite TV series.
    5. The children describe the characters in terms of physical features, character traits, hobbies, likes. They create a drawing/avatar, a text and an audio text for their Favourite character, combine them and create a Voki avatar or a video using voki or windows movie maker respectively. The vokis and videos of a TV series are embedded in the "TV series" page. (to see all the TV series pages click on the link)
    6. After the drawings and texts are uploaded on the prezi presentation, teachers make arrangements for an online game of “Who is who”  
    Voting for our favorite cartoon and TV series