Sixth mobility to Liceo Plinio Seniore (April 1-8, 2017)

  • Sixth Mobility Activities

    The target groups of Liceo Plinio Seniore prepared, conducted and assessed project activities together with the 12 working groups`representatives from IES Urbi and Varvakeio Lyceum. During this mobility all the activities done were connected to project objectives.

    Activities connected with the results of project objectives 3, 6:

    -Pupils and foreign families spent 8 days interacting in English.

    -Foreign students, target group students, and project teachers introduced themselves in English.

    -The principal Fortunella Santaniello welcomed, in English, project members on behalf of the school community.

    -Target group students prepared and took a guided walk to the school, in English, for foreign students and teachers.

    -Target group students prepared a guided walk to villa San Marco, villa Arianna, Pompeii, the Royal Palace and the National Archaeological Museum of Naples in English, for foreign students.

    -Target group students introduced, in English, foreign students to the rest of the pupils.

    -Spanish and Greek students interacted orally in English with students, workers, and teachers of Liceo Plinio Seniore.

    -Spanish and Greek students prepared a farewell speech, in English, to Italian students and families, and thank them for their hospitality.

    Activities connected with the results of project objectives 1,2,3,4,5,6:

    -The 12 international working groups made a presentation in English, in digital format, in front of both project and non project students, on the Botany terms they have prepared for the collaborative glossary, and on the mythological plants they have prepared for the collaborative dictionary. After presentation, each group uploaded it to the twinspace and the wiki.

    -Working group pupils assessed partners’ presentations through a content accuracy rubric (qualitative) and a listening, pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation rubric (qualitative). Students have previously prepared these rubrics following project indicators of assessment.

    -Project teachers assessed pupils `presentations through a knowledge gained rubric (quantitative), and a spelling and grammar rubric (qualitative). Teachers have previously prepared these rubrics following project indicators of assessment.

    -Working group pupils took part in an Ikebana workshop on project plants, in English.

    -Target groups and foreign students prepared a goodbye party for pupils, teachers and families.

    -The 12 international working groups made some videos and presentations in English with the photos of the mobility.