Step 3: Effects of the Sun on our planet


    Step 3 is implemented using Peer Learning practice. Collaborating pupils will perform sience experiments, collect & process information, to present the results in this page, so they can learn from each other. All the original educational material produced by collaborating pupils will be used to learn from each other about the effects of the Sun on our planet (day and night, plant growth, salt making process, greenhouses, sundials).The assessment of the Peer learning will be made with an educational quiz.

    Peer Learning assessment - Quiz results: 

    Effects of the Sun on our planet - Η Επίδραση του Ήλιου στον πλανήτη μας - Google Forms.pdf


    A Sundial

    The sun also helps us read the time. In ancient times people did not have clocks and used the sun to take not of what part of the day it was. Sundials are believed to have excited first in China since ancient times. We, at Kalkara Primary, Malta created our own sundial and took it outside, in the school garden to check if it work. Below is a powerpoint with all the process. Enjoy :)



    Effects of the Sun - salt making process

    Malta is an island blessed with sea and has warm weather almost all year long. For this reason it comes by no surprise that it produces salt on a national scale. In this activity children learnt more about the salt making process and also had a try at making their own salt. COVID 19 did not allow us to use sea water so we made the process in a slightly different way, but which produced the same results. Hope you enjoy doing the experiment and watching the lovely views of Malta's seascapes in the video link and pdf below. 


    Salt making process.pdf


    Effects of the Sun - making a greenhouse

    In this activity, students from Kalkara Primary, Malta were invited to make a greenhouse out of recycled material. They planted the seeds or seedlings and were to water and take care of the greenhouse and plants whilst recording their growth through images. 

    Below is a video to further explain the effects of the sun on a greenhouse and a pdf with the process and results of the children's greenhouses. We all learned a lot indeed!! :)


    Sun & plant growth, Experiment 

    Experiment presentation on the effects of the Sun on plant growth. B2 1st Primary School of Oreokastro

    This activity was implemented while schools were closed in Greece due to coronavirus pandemic. For the preparatory activities we used Webex videoconference and our e-class. During Webex online meetings, we worked on unit 7 "Plants" and unit 12 "Energy“ of the subject "Enviromental Studes", to learn what are the effects of the Sun on the planet.
    •We used the learning digital object “Plant growth” from Photodentro (the National Accumulator of Educational Content for Primary and Secondary Education) to recognize the effect of various factors on plant growth.
    Pupils were assigned with the experiment to record the effect of the sun on lentil growth and draw their own conclusions.

    Day and Night - Β2, 1st Primary School of Oreokastro

    For this activity pupils used the learning digital object “Day and night on earth” from Photodentro (the National Accumulator of Educational Content for Primary and Secondary Education) to understand that the alternation of day and night is due to the rotation of the Earth, while the duration of day and night in each region depends on the inclination of its imaginary axis.

    Experiment worksheet B2 Oreokastro

    This is the worksheet of an experiment on the effect of the Sun on plant groowth. When the experiment is complete, we will share te results so that all pupils can learn from each other.

    Experiment Worksheet Oreokastro-Effect of the Sun on plant growth.pdf