David Fernández (NSS) visits our school and he´s informed about the project Unity in Diversity. Photo: Ángel, José Antonio, David, Javier, Mónica, Aranzazu, Jesús and Simón.
We disseminate our work in eTwinning projects. Photo: Simón, Aranzazu, Ángel, David, Mónica, Cristina, Juan Antonio, Mila and Cruz.
This article tells about our work in eTwinning projects this school-year. Unity in Diversity is mentioned there.
We have introduced our project to a group of enthusiastic parents who have really appreciated the activities we have been working so far and the planned ones for the future
The contact persons and coordinators of the eTwinning projects in our schools have edited an article to disseminate them and the connected Erasmus to the school community
We had an article published about the 4 eTwinning projects and Erasmus projects our teachers are carrying out and promoting this year at school
We posted an article in the website of ITET Rapisardi Da Vinci to inform the school community about our forthcoming mobility to London!!!
Javier Martínez (Spanish teacher) has written an article about our project and about the first mobility to London. The article has been published in Educantabria, our regional educational webpage. Thanks so much!
Article about the Erasmus Project Unity in Diversity. IES Cantabria.
In our school website we explain about our stay in London and share some pics.
March 2020. Workshops and visits. Southwark College. London
March 2020. Workshops and visits. SC London
March 2020
March. 2020
We introduced to the school community the students' new team for this year's eTwinning project!!!
I' ve invited my students' parents to visit our twinspace asking their children to guide them through the many activities created during the year!!!
Here is the newsletter written with the contribution of all the teachers working on eTwinning and posted in the website of our school. It's a simple way to share our pride for being part of the eTwinning community.
Here is an article to disseminate the eTwinning activities carried out in our school during the year !
Here is our article about our eTwinning projects shared on the Instagram page of our school
Our article about the eTwinning projects carried out this year has been posted on the facebook page of our school and many teachers at school shared it with their contacts
We wrote a newsletter in Italian to share the crucial moments of our mobility to London with our school community