January 2020


    Newspaper articles for January 2020 from Scoala Gimnaziala ,,Mihai Eminescu”, Alexandria

    Christmas Fair.pdf





    The first steps towards entrepreneurship start in school

    Great entrepreneurs are innovative, leaders, creative, independent. What parent wouldn’t want their children to develop those traits, even if they don’t plan to start a business when they grow up? But is it possible to spark that  entrepreneurial spirit with Christmas gifts?

    Well, the answer is yes! "Mihai Eminescu" 's students have learnt how to mix the Christmas Spirit with a more pragmatic aspect, the one of learning how to make, administer and invest their money, guided by both parents and teachers.

    The students of our school said goodbye, before the holidays, in a festive atmosphere. Starting from December 16th, on the halls on the ground and the 1st floor of our school, the Christmas Fair was organized.

    Involved parents

    The parents as well were eager to offer a lesson in empathy and solidarity, so they were actively involved in making and selling the exhibits.It was a constructive job because we made this gesture out of love for children. Year by year the products are more interesting and elaborate, the children are interested, especially the hand-made things. We are also inspired by the Internet to make them and we are glad that many of them are made from recyclable materials or nature - cones, acorns - said E. C., a mum who helped to organize the event. It was a good opportunity for students to socialize, to learn how to negotiate their products, to develop their entrepreneurial spirit and, above all, to help those in need. They have been working for more than two months in accomplishing the things exposed for sale and they are intensely preparing for the exercise of organizing the stand and especially for presenting and selling the products of their work - said Corina Voicu Popescu, one of the  teachers who organized the Christmas Fair.

    Learning activity while having fun

    From our point of view, as "Mihai  Eminescu" 's students,we believe it was a valuable opportunity for us to organize, as a community, such a complex project, in fact a true production and sales enterprise, with the well-established goal of investing money in a way that benefits all students.

    We consider it was a wonderful learning opportunity. We, as  school children, saw how our work was valued and discovered what it means to earn money by working (the first concepts of entrepreneurship). We have learnt that it is within our power to fulfill our desires and that a dedicated effort is needed to achieve results.

    It was also a real practice exercise - we were the ones selling, calculating what sums to receive (prices are specifically chosen to practice somewhat more complex calculations -2, 3, 5, 8, 10 lei) and thus practicing some mathematics skills.

    We were  delighted to discover how our younger counterparts took the elements of practical life even further, offering discounts on larger purchases, negotiating or presenting their merchandise full of passion (especially when they proudly declared that it had been  made by them).

    Coming to the very first question of our article, our colleagues really succeeded in being little entrepreneurs, proving  the fact that the can become real ones.

    Author: Bogdan Păunica and Roxana Cobârlie , 4 A; Photo G.G.

    Original article is available in the online digital newspaper Media Gener@tion and can be found on the following  link  https://sites.google.com/sceminescu.ro/ziar/implicare-civic%C4%83?authuser=0


    Uniforms-a new chapter in our school life

    Every person is a unique individual; from their appearance and personality right down to their very DNA, humans are naturally different from one another, yet there are several people who believe that a uniform solution of uniforms in school will work for everyone. The implementation of school uniforms is said to bring about positive changes such as decreases in gang activity, bullying, and costs to parents. This year, we were given the opportunity to have our own uniforms but beforehand we could have a word to say in this, both parents and students being asked about the matter.

    The opinions about adding uniforms were divided, there were both pros and cons. All the children had something different to argue about and all of the students asked debated upon the subject. So without further ado, let’s see what all the kids said about uniforms, as an answer to the same  question:

    Student 1: “In my opinion, the introduction of the uniform in the school is a very good idea and this is not at all disturbing, but even more its color is one that we can match to any clothes and thus, we can differentiate ourselves from the students of other schools.” 

    S 2: “Being in the eighth grade, I do not agree with the uniforms because in a few months I will finish school and I will no longer wear these uniforms. Another reason I do not agree with these uniforms is that I like to dress differently from the other students.” 

    S 3: “In my opinion, the fact that we have to wear the same clothes every day seems banal and boring, but from the parents’ point of view, the proposal of uniforms is a very good one. They consider that they are exempt from the “burden of buying new clothes”.
    S 4: “When the headmaster told us that we would have to wear the school uniform, it was a relief for me. Every day, I had to choose other clothes and not to dress myself two days the same, and now the time allocated for choosing clothes I dedicate to other things.”
    S 5: “I have a very good opinion about uniforms because I think not all children have money for clothes, and in this way, we will not offend each other.”
    S 6: “In my opinion, the uniforms bring a benefit to the school and I am pro uniforms because we can be distinguished from other schools. In addition, they have a nice color.” 

    S 7: “I agree with the uniforms because not all children can afford expensive clothes, and those who allow themselves no longer have the opportunity to boast their clothes. So some of us will no longer be stigmatized because of the clothes we wear daily.” 

    S8: “In my opinion, it is very good to wear uniforms because there will be no longer  differences between the social classes. Some students cannot afford to buy brand clothes and feel bad comparing themselves to the others.”

    S 9: “By principle, I do not agree with the uniforms because it seems to me old fashioned and out of place.” 

    S 10: “I find it OK to add uniforms because in this way we’ll have no discussions about company clothes, therefore I completely agree with this idea.” 

    All in all, wearing uniforms will help build a sense of unity within the school. Instead of everyone as a separate team, everyone will be in the same team. Wearing uniforms will help free students of the stress of what to wear in the morning. Wearing school uniforms will help improve student individuality and improve their self-esteem.

    So, here we are, eager to be part of a whole new chapter in our school life!

    Author: Valentin Dobre(6A)

    Original article is available in the online digital newspaper Media Gener@tion and can be found on the following  link https://ziar.sceminescu.ro/via%C8%9Ba-%C8%99colii