Indian children

  • 1. Where do these children live(continent, country)?

    2. How do they look like?

    3. Traditional clothes.

    4. What are their homes look like?

    5. How do their schools look like?

    The India Political map shows all the states and union territories of India along with their capital cities.

    Physical Map of India showing major rivers, hills, plateaus, plains, beaches, deltas and deserts.

    countries - Asia:

    Indie - link                                                     

    India - link        


    Contribution by the Primary School"A. Maestri" Sala Baganza - ITALY

    źródło: Internet

    task - maths lesson - passport:

    International Airport Ławica name of Henryk Wieniawski in Poznań – Poland:



    Contribution from the 137th Secondary School "Angel Kunchev", Bulgaria

            Students from the 3rd A class has coloured lots of mandalas. They installed an application for colouring mandalas on their mobile phones and enjoyed colouring mandalas both on paper and on mobiles. Indian say that mandalas can influence your mind, your body and your soul. Why don't you try? Colour a mandala, bring peace in your mind and then do your homework! It's fun!

    Contribution by the Czech team,
    Základní škola, Kroměříž, Komenského nám. 440
    Chess is a popular stategy game which originated in India. If you want to learn how to play it, use this link.

    Contribution from the Primary School "San Tarcisio"

    Our students and we,  had fun to find out the distance between us and the countries that have known during the collaboration with other project partners. We used:

    Holi Festival.

    Students of our school have painted their hands to celebrate the festival of colours in the name of Peace. It was very funny. The video was made entirely by themselves.




    Contribution by the Primary School "A. Maestri" Sala Baganza - ITALY






    Contribution by the "IC Medesano Team" MEDESANO - ITALY

                         Indian children love dressing in the following way



     Secondary School "St. Ivan Rilski", Sofia, Bulgaria