Project plan
1. Our captains - every teacher must introduce herself/himself to the partners' teams. He/she will be the captain that will support students during their journey in the world of friendship, tolerance and peace. He/she will guide students in different countries around the world, so that they will learn more about the children living on other continents.
Deadline: the end of September.
2. eTwinners talk - It's good if we encourage our students to use ICT and improve their digital competence. Teach them how to create talking pictures and present themselves using . You can create an account and let them record their voice. If your students are bigger you can use VOKI and let them create talking avatars. You can use any other online tool to do this activity.
We have Padlet walls for the end of the project - one goodbye wall for the children and the other one for the teachers.
There is a Friendship wall created by Cira. May students present themselves in English and in their native language. We would like our children to listen to and recognize the language of their partners.
We are going to participate in the "Happy friednship day", suggested by the eTwinning group "Human beings".
Deadline: September - May
3. Teams and destinations to discover: Teach your students how to read QR codes. Let them use QR code reader and find out the children they will present. In the page "Children around the world", there are subpages for each team. Each team(country) will present only ONE child(Japanese, Indian...). When each team is ready with its task and present it to the partners' team, other teams must contribute to its work and find out interesting facts about the presented children.
Deadline: October - December
4. International breakfast - this page is for all of us. Children will collaborate and find out what is tipical breakfast for the children that they observe. All answers and pictures will be on ONE Padlet wall. On another padlet wall children must upload pictures of the breakfast they usually have, write their names and school. If they want, they can write a short description of the breakfast. For example: boiled eggs, a toast, a cup of tea. Teachers can upload pictures on the same wall, too.
Deadline: January
5. Reading club - Tales from around the world.(all the time)
Three main activities:
1. Reading tales from around the world.
2. A reading competition - The temperatures are raising. We dedicate one week during the school year for promoting reading. Print the templates with thermometers for each student. Make a school board and let students write the number of pages they have read during this week. They should mark the number of pages each day. Announce the beginning of the competition on Monday and let them read during the long or short breaks, read at home the same book, too. At the end of the week say that the competition is over and see the results of students' thermometers(number the pages they have read). There will be reading certificates with medals like last week. I suggest you not to examine your students during the reading week, NO TESTS, please.
Enjoy "The themperatures are raising" competition even in winter! ;-)
Deadline: the second week of February
3. Make an exhibition with children's drawing: heroes from international tales OR a spring carnaval(children will dress up as heroes from tales). I will prefer the second one, because is more exciting for kids!
4. Reading books online - www.oxfordowl.
Sign up in this website for online reading. Create a class of your students. We are going to read and transtlate in isx languages one story that we will choose together.
Deadline: March
5. Get ready for Kahoot: Children must read and discuss the tale "The golden goose" at school. Then we will have an online quiz to check how well they know the story.
6. in the name of peace - at the bottom of the page I have uploaded a padlet to collect the most famous people that contribute the world peace. I have upload some basic information about three of them and their images. If you tipe in Google "famous pacifists" you will find a lot of information. I am almost sure that our children did not know them and I think that it is important to present these pacifists to them. In eTwinning there is a special prize given by the Turkey NNS - Mevlana. When the project will be finished we can apply for this prize!!!
This page has four subpages:
eTwinners - peace keepers, Peace flash mob, Embrace the Earth day and The Earth day.
On the first subpage children are asked to think about the rules or qualities that we must have in order to keep the world peace. Our students will have a chat and will find out together the rules. The most friquently suggested rules/qualities will be branches of our eTwinning Tree of Peace. When we create this tree with rules/good qualities, we will create one of our common outcomes - a calendar with the Tree of Peace.
We will have a certificate that will be given at the end of school year to those children who during the school year didn't fight with their classmates, were polite, gentle, help other children, children who keep the rules of the peace. The certificate will be: eTwinning Peace Keeper
Deadline: April
For the Flash Mob children must know the song Hello. Lyrics are on the page young eTwinners talk. We need to talk about the movements of the children and the date and time. During one of our videoconferences children must decide how our flashmob will look like - suggest movement during the song. The flash mob must be recorded. It is good to have a public when we do the flashmob - do it, if possible, in a public place, invite other teachers and students, important people, Press.
Deadline: May
Embrace the World Day - We will suggest this activity to the teachers form the eTwinning goup "Human beings". Thus we will interact with children from other projects and involve more teachers to do activities that teach tolerance.
The Earth Day - 22th April. Children will create posters and talk about "What we can do to save our planet?"
7. Puzzles, crosswords - all the time.
8. Logo - Each team can suggest more than one logo.
Deadline : 30th October.
9. Continents - a page with online lessons, songs for presenting continents to students, online games.
Deadline: The beginning of October, before examining children around the world.
10. International passport. Children should create their etwinning world traveler passports. Take pictures and upload in the page.
Deadline: September
11. Common outcomes
Children suggested to create an e - book with the most popular places of interest in the countries that we present. The main hero of our book will be the Wise Owl. The main question that children working on the book must answer is "What must the Wise Owl see if he goes to.....Japan, Peru, India..?" Devide your children in teams. Children who are good at ICT will uplaod pictures and write the text on the document. Other children from the class can draw(colour) images with places of interest. Children who are good at English can write the text.
Be ready for"The adventures of the Wise Owl". A new e-book is comming soon. :-)
Other common outcome will the story "Sue Kangaroo", translated by children. Children will translate and write on the google document the story in English and in their mother tongue.
During one of our videoconferences students from teams of publishers will convert the documents into e-books under the teachers' directions.
Online quizes and games, created both by teachers and by students will be our outcomes, too.
Deadline: May
Project evaluation - the end of May
Dissemination of the project result: May - October.
eTwinning netiquette
It is very important not to take pictures of the single child. Children must not be recognisible on the photos. If you have uploaded photos with a single child you must remove them. Instead of this you can put all sungle pictures on one slide and convert the slide in an image or pdf. Try to make pictures without focusing on the children's faces. Is it OK if in the picture there are many children.

Read about the eTwinning netiquette here:
Contribution to partners'tasks - each team must contribute to partners' work. At the bottom of each page you can upload every curious fact or just more information about the presented country and children. For example my children coloured lots of mandalas, I will make a ppt and uploaded on Indian and Tibetan page. That's how we can be sure that there is a collaboration between our teams.
Plaese, when you write or upload someting on the page, do it at the bottom of the page. There should be an order of activities - by dates, by months. Otherwise I should reorder everything and that's a lot of time! :-)
If you have any question or want to discuss something, write in the forum and let us know - leave a message in teachers bulletin.
Good luck to all teams!