Teacher's evaluation

  • This project took two years to be completed!

    Schools all over Europe closed and opened in different time.

    We stayed closed at home for a long time, and distance learning was nto easy and efficient. 

    The two kindergatens from Italy did not continue the last year, but 6o Nipiagogio Sikeon was added to our company!

    Dispite of the difficulties....this project was innovative, full of challenges with a a variety of activities that children loved!

    .Teachers evaluated the project by answering the following questionnaire!


    All of the participants rated the cooperation excellent and thought that the project was educational.

    50% of the participants rated the cooperation as the best part of the project and thought that was useful because they learnt about STREAM. The other 50% rated the activities as the best part of the project. 12.5% had fun with the project, 25% learnt more about the web tools and 12,5% practised their english. 

    The 87,5% of th eparticipants managed to complete all the activities. The problems that participants noticed were:lack of time, lack of the chance to cooperate more due to coronavirus and the closed schools in Europe!!!



    The 50% took part in the organisation of the project, the other 50% was just following.

    All of the participants agreed that their students earned a lot learning experiences and they would envolve their students in a similar project again.