In the 2nd Module, students are to discover the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad, the effects of globalization on our lives as well as the purpose and work of NGOs and volunteerism.

    Participant students work in groups and interview people who have studied or are intending to study abroad, research on the consequences of globalization, present the causes and work of NGOs that encourage young people to volunteer in their field of work.

    The goal of the second module is for the students to realize their educational and professional opportunities outside their country and see “the greater picture” of the world and what it has to offer to them.

    Students will inevitably practise their question/answer skills (interviews), looking up for information (skimming, scanning, reading for gist, reading for extensive information, etc.), presentation skills (body language, tone of voice, relevant information).

    Each participant school uploads its work, partners comment on it in written form (forum) and through the second Skype session.

    ICT tools: voicethread or vocaroo (for recording interviews), power-point presentations.

    Deadline: 17th December 2015.

    Job Applications (by Kaufmannsschule II, Hagen, Germany)