Dissemination - Croatia

  • Teachers and students involved in the ERASMUS project visited ZOV - Zagreb Wastewater, which recorded this on their website.

    Earth Day is best celebrated in Croatia

    ERASMUS project  "Water ecosystems in Europe" brought teachers from Europe to ZOV

    On the website of OŠ MARIJE JURIĆ ZAGORKA, Zagreb, during the work on the project, we posted several announcements that refer to our work. Interested parents and other students followed our activities during 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022



    All activities during the project were recorded on the Facebook page of the GLOBE group because the students involved in the GLOBE program were the most regular in their work, they shared their knowledge and experiences, organized themselves in the measurements at the II Maksimirka lake and presented their results.


    Meeting in Latvija

    students meeting in Croatia.

    Students meeting in Latvija

    Students meeting in Croatia

    Students meeting in Latvija


    Students meeting in Latvija

    Online meeting organized by students from Slovakia


    The Agency for Education - Zagreb - Zagreb organizes a series of educational workshops for biology and chemistry teachers, where we presented our work to other colleagues. We shared good experiences, motivated others for ERASMUS projects, showed how our work can be integrated into regular classes and promote the school at the local and regional level.


    21.12.20. 4 sata.pdf

    8.6.21. 3 sata.pdf

    23.6.21. 5 sati.pdf

    28.6.2021. predavanje kolegama.pdf

    7.10.21. 4 sata.pdf