Day 1


    On the first day, the opening ceremony was organised at school. Mrs Emma Czarnecka-Durczak, the headmistress, welcomed the participants and project gadgets with the logo of Erasmus+ were distributed.

    Students from the dance group "Iskierki" performed two traditional Polish dances and later partners attended the walk around the school, accompanied by Polish teachers and students. 

    Next, the meeting with the headmistress was held to discuss the details of the C2 meeting and to present the school's main goals and methodology.  After a short break, the participants went to town hall to meet the mayor of Wojsławice and learn about main aspects of the environmental department. Wojsławice municipality is mainly an agricultural area, but lots of effort is put into creating an environmentally friendly community and to act with respect to nature. Therefore, new energy sources are introduced, such as solar energy, heat pumps and the biogas plant, which will produce energy from organic waste gas. Inhabitants are encouraged to recycle rubbish and most people do it properly. Last but not least, the town hall is proactive about environment protection and the natural landscape is well preserved and respected. 

    After the meeting, the visit to the town of Wojsławice followed. The participants could see all the most important monuments: Catholic church, Jewish synagogue, Eastern Orthodox Church and the statue devoted to partisan soldiers. 

    The last activity was Krav Maga training in the school gym, which was organised to integrate the students.