•      Located in the Pescăreasa neighborhood, at the entrance from the south to the municipality of Câmpulung, in the immediate eastern proximity of the Piteşti-Câmpulung road, between it and the Târgului River, the large fortress from the point "Jidova" is the most important and best preserved military construction of this kind. along the Limes Transalutanus route (being the only one built in stone at the same time).

         We do not know the ancient name of the fort, but late after the Aurelian retreat and after the period of the great migrations that turned the ash and architectural works of antiquity, in the dawn of the Middle Ages, the locals and the travelers on the Câmpulungului road, at the same time, the remains still impressed by the wall to the ruined fortress and attributes to the fabulous tall and powerful people who populated the world in its beginnings - the Jews, in the popular language, encountered in most European mythologies.

         The fort from "Jidova" is one of the best preserved in the whole Roman Dacia, and the sustained archaeological research, from whose beginning 13 years have recently been completed, doubled by extensive restoration and consolidation works, is a model of consistency. and succeeded in trying to get closer to the monuments of antiquity.

         Here, in the site museum where the fort was transformed, you can see the strong stone enclosure wall, with the adjacent gates and towers, the officers 'building, the commander's house, the store where the supplies for the soldiers' food but also the horses were housed, as well. and the ingenious heating system specific to the Roman technique, the so-called hypocaustum.

         From "Jidova" comes also an express attestation of the military troops of the Roman imperial army that activated on the Transalutian limes, being stationed in this fortress. It is an auxiliary band made up of original fighters from Commagena, a region of the Roman province of Syria: Cohors Prima Flavia Commagenorum.