Presentation of ISIS Valdarno, S. Giovanni Valdarno, Italy

  • ISIS “Valdarno”, S. Giovanni Valdarno, Tuscany, Italy

    viale Gramsci 77/A - 52027 San Giovanni Valdarno (AR) Tel. 055.9122078 - Fax: 055.942118 - Web: e-mail: PEC: -


    The State School for secondary Education "Valdarno", therefore, was estabilshed on 1 September 2013 from the merger of the I.S.I.S. "G. Marconi "(already the result of a previous union between the then I.P.S.I.A." G. Marconi "and the I.T.C." F. Severi ") with I.T.I.S. "G. Ferraris ".

    These are three schools that, although located on the same town of S. Giovanni Valdarno, a few meters from each other, differ substantially in their history and in the peculiarity of their respective study programs.



    The Institute as a whole is able to provide a wide range of training: from the Business and administration and tourism at the Economics Technical School, to IT, chemical, electronic-electro-technical expert of the Technical School, to the course of studies for Maintenance and Technical Assistance Technician (electrical-mechanical) or Fashion designing and manifacturing experts at the vocational school.

    In recent years ISIS "Valdarno" has enriched its training offer by developing specializations within its study paths such as the study curriculum for Sports facilities and businesses administration experts and the Robotics expert in the area of Electronics and electrical engineering.

    For the next school year the institute has activated two new addresses for the Technical Technological Institute: Mechanics, Mechatronics and Energy and the Fashion System.

    Since 2014, the institute has been the leading school of the "Oro e Moda" Professional Technical Center, which includes IS.SI. "Margaritone" school of Arezzo, Liceo Artistico "Piero della Francesca of Arezzo" and the Liceo "Giovagnoli" of Sansepolcro.

    The three schools in the past and Istituto Superiore "Valdarno" today are a consolidated in the socio-economic-cultural context of San Giovanni Valdarno and the neighboring municipalities. The work accomplished to date has contributed, on the one hand, to training young people who have occupied and occupy important and qualified positions in the world of work, and on the other, to provide a solid basic education that allows students access to any university faculty.

    In particular, the profession of the manufacturing technician has always been at the center of the structure of the educational programs and methodologies of “G. Ferraris "which has, in fact, always formed professional figures with a good general cultural background and an in-depth knowledge of technological disciplines - from electronics to chemistry, to computer science.

    For "F. Severi ”, always, the cultural, naturalistic and economic realities of Tuscany, are the object of study and research in local and European projects. The introduction of the ITER course for tourism has also allowed the school to combine its traditional Technical-Commercial curricula with the Technical Tourism specialization, which is closely connected with the administrative area.

    Vocational school "G. Marconi ”, which has existed for several decades with its Mechanical, Electric / Electronic and Fashion sectors, has formed many students over the years, who have then entered the world of work in the Valdarno area.

    In fact, there are many prestigious companies and numerous local companies, which have hired graduates specializing in our schools, which, for years, has presented evening courses in its training offer and has also included in its own courses the training vocational courses managed by the Region of Tuscany (IeFP).





    The structural endowment of our Institute is as follows:

    Special classrooms:


    • equipped room for videoconferences

    • 3 classrooms for receiving parents equipped with multimedia stations

    • classrooms for the C.I.C. (Student Information Center)

    • all classrooms are equipped with a multimedia station, mostly with a projector or LIM





    • 7 of computer science

    • 2 of chemistry

    • 3 of physics

    • 2 of electronics

    • 1 in electrical engineering

    • 1 of electrical and electronic measurements

    • 2 of electrical installations

    • 2 adjustment for mechanical processing

    • 1 welding

    • 2 machine tools

    • 1 work station and CNC lathe

    • 1 in fashion and costume (with CAD program)

    • 1 cutting and packaging exercise for fashion designer

    • 1 equipped with laser marker


    Library, gym, outdoor spaces:


    • gym

    • library

    • video store

    • large fenced areas for parking and/or outdoor activities


    Technological endowments:

    • LAN networks are wired

    • wireless LAN networks