Mobility in Romania, from 19 to 25 January 2020


    The 1st mobility of the ERASMUS+ KA229 “EUCHI 2019-2021” took place in Romania from Sunday 19th  (arrival day) to Saturday 25th (departure day) January 2020.  It was organized by the Liceul Technologic Costesti and took part in it 42 participants from 4 countries: 14 teachers and 28 students. Namely:
    1) Romania, host country, teachers: Stoian Preda Tatiana, Canuta Constantin, Grecu Maria, Dragomir Diana, Cernatescu Miluta, Oprea Alexardra, Ghena Georgeta, Ilie Niculina and 7 students
    2) Greece, project coordinator, teachers: Georgaki Evangelia, Konstanti Vasiliki and 7 students
    3) Spain, teachers: Carmen Penelope Pulpon Jimenez, Juan Manuel Rueda Cebada and 8 students
    4) Italy, teachers: Marcu Alexandra Adina, Roberto Checchi and 6 students
    Extra teachers participating in the programme: Vasilescu Sofia (Music teacher), Mandu Dumitru (Driving instructor), Corvin Dragomir (cameraman)
    The Romanian team has organized an overall programme which included a presentation of the Romanian educational system and the school premises, several visits to museums and historical sites (Golesti museum, Arges County museum which hosts a natural history museum and a museum of Romanian history, Roman Castrum Jidova, Mateias Mausoleum, Fortress Poenari, Domneasca Church), a visit to Bucharest and to Curtea de Arges, a meeting with the Major and representatives of the local authorities at the Town Hall of Costesti, a workshop on Romanian Literature including citations of Eminescu’s poems, dramatization and singing, a Wreath ceremony on 24th January, the National Day of the Unification of the Romanian parts into one sovereign country, Romania.  
    The students worked together in transnational teams collecting their material, photos, interviews and videos, and then they attended a workshop organized by the IT department of the host school at their IT lab, where they processed and edited their material into short videos. 
    The teachers, apart from their informal communication where they exchanged information about their countries, their schools and the educational systems they also held two meetings where they discussed the scheduled activities and products of the project, they arranged the future actions of it and scheduled the next mobility to Spain.
    The host school had organized and offered to all of us a farewell dinner/party where both teachers and students from the 4 schools had the opportunity to socialize, dance folk dances together and experience the way Romanian people entertain themselves.

    Romania Plotesti Programme.pdf

  - Material created by mixed teams of students  Greek team's video of the mobility

   Greek Erasmus team’s PowerPoint Presentation