Online safety / copyright issues


    Your online safety


    1. Pay close attention to the links you access.

    2.It is good to avoid accessing some materials if you have suspicions.

    3. If you read a news story or find out new information that seems exaggerated or alarming, check if the source making it public is official.

    4.Always use passwords with a high level of complexity.

    5. Make sure you always have backup copies of your data (files, documents, pictures, etc.)

    6. Protect operating systems with an effective antivirus solution.

    7.  Inform your friends and colleagues about online safety.


    Copyright and related rights


    Copyright and related rights represent legal instruments and concepts that respect and protect the rights of authors related to their creations, also contributing to the economic and cultural development of nations. The copyright law has a decisive role in perfecting the rights and social contribution of the holders.

    What is copyright?
    Copyright is a legal term that describes the rights given to creators for their artistic and literary works.

    What rights does copyright confer?
    The types of works (works) covered by copyright include: literary works such as novels, poems, plays, games, reference works, newspapers/magazines, computer programs, databases, web pages, films, compositions musical and choreographic, artistic works: drawings, photographs, sculptures, architecture, advertising, maps, technical drawings, etc.