
  • Surf safely

    The eTwinning platform, the twinspace offer all schools a safe and secure environment for children of all ages.
    Every teacher, every parent knows that all the rules for privacy and security are respected.

    The project was presented to the parents of the schools interested in the first meeting of the school with the families. The teachers explained that it was an electronic twinning and that the children would be registered on the platform. There has been talk of the safe use of the internet. The parents took a look at the contents of esafety, and they were shown the link of the school website where they would find the references that were mentioned. Parents signed the consent form.

    The children looked for these rules in web etwinning and read the Spoiler comics and the Cosmos network and Linked generation free to surf. They learned all the rules for good and safe navigation. In addition, from March 5 we have had the opportunity to apply them all with distance learning. An event had been planned for the parents which was not done due to the closure of the school.

    The pupils of V B read and commented on the two comics, available on the website of our school.