Each month one tool - tasks

  • Each month students and teachers learn about ICT and various tools for teaching and learning. They create different materials for classroom use by using those tools and disseminate the new knowledge and skills. The idea is to work on one tool each month and compile a website of materials by the end of the project. 

    Partners communicate on TwinSpace and online. The partners are expected to contribute digital material on a monthly basis, according to the topic planned for that month. The deadline is the 25th of the current month. Teachers may add pupils to the project who can contribute their materials in Students' section.

    Planned tasks by month:






    • Google Slides - connect environment - What can I do to protect ...?
    • Teacher conference for further planning



    • Video editing: Windows Photos app
    • Making a video

    April 2020

    May 2020

    June 2020