About the project

  • The project started as dissemination platform for Erasmus+ KA1 project "Ready - Set - Step Up!" where Primary School Strahoninec from Croatia collaborates with St. Marien-Schule, a partner school from Germany.

    The idea is to enable students to effectively use ICT tools, hence one of the tasks is "Each month one tool" where students will learn about an ICT tool, practice how to publish digital content, share it with peers and comment on the final work.

    The aims of the project:

    1. To foster creativity by making new digital content and resources for learning and sharing knowledge
    2. To nurture friendship, cooperation, tolerance and interculturalism while improving the key competences and the skills of life-long learning
    3. Improving media and digital literacy by making animations, video and audio content of intercurricular topics:
      1. social, civic and intercultural topics, Internet safety, digital citizenship, fighting against bullying, discrimination and other topics of students' interest
      2. social inclusion, freedom of speech and writing, building identity, sustainable development – human rights, gender equality, fighting against poverty and hunger, ecology and protecting our planet and people
      3. improving English and foreign language skills
    4. communication and collaboration with European schools, making new school partnerships, sharing examples of good practice, learning about different school systems, introducing new and modern teaching methods

    Expected results:

    • Students learn about each others' cultures and make collections of works:
      • school presentations,
      • Work Diary,
      • photos,
      • videos,
      • albums,
      • web pages,
      • blogs,
      • video conferences,
      • brochures etc.
    • Students introduce themselves - create own profiles in TwinSpace. Then they present their schools through photos, videos, PPT, etc.
    • After they learn about new tools and apps students try to produce material based on the tasks the teachers set. Students can work in groups or individually, but also collaboratively with partners' schools (eg. Google Slides editing together).
    • The materials are published online on TwinSpace. The work diary or a blog is kept for sharing the information about the project and a final school event can be organized.

    All these activities are supported by teachers and scaffolded according to students' needs and interests. Partners from different schools communicate online and suggest improvements to activities.