Activities and resources

  • La Llotja - 3D Workshop

    La Llotja de Lleida“ is a building used as a theater, an auditorium and as a congress. It’s constructed like a square and has different orientations like: northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest. This is because the architect wanted to use the sunlight for his purposes.

    We develop an 3D Workshop, in which we had to create an own solution inspired by nature, to let the sun comes in the building in winter and let the sun out in summer. 


    ACFrOgCfh0-xKKENV4G0A0TcHlJGeHQLNQQe0cqUchqxhPMpKnrSZ7sxq9jgoKNJx1gp3F2bABI5M7KMXTRgmCNs-77kZRk5q289bEpYU9dCFSsdRkYVZdhSM7qS6j5KKXKwgP-zn5vKId5iMQjE (1) (2).pdf


    La Llotja 3 D model:


    Biomimetic workshop

    In this workshop they learn about plants adaptations to Mediterranean climate and it’s relation with biomimicry applied to building construction. Students will analyse Mediterranean climate conditions and will examine the surfac of of leaves to find out about the special features that enables them to live in very dry climates.  A very important feature are the stomata, small openings on the surface which regulate the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. 


    Biomimetic Workshop_guion alumnos.pdf


  • 3D Printer La Llotja Results

    Jordi Farran team. Llotja
    Jordi Farran team Llotja
    Joaquim Miquel Felis team
    Joaquim Miquel Felis team
    Khalid Team
    Khalid team
    Marta Palau Team
    Marta Palau Team
    Ares Parisi Team
    Abril Roig Team
    Laia Sales Team
    Laia Sales Team
    Jenjui Team