Day 5 Last day in Lleida

  • Our last day in Lleida

    We started the day with programming. Overall we programmed micro:bit and learned how we can use micro:bit in our daily life to make it easier. First of all we were separated into seven groups, in each of them we had at least 2 students from the Torre Vicens school which had prepared and created different programs which we had to copy and try out ourselves. Some had more than one program for us but here are some examples of what those students created for us:

    First of all I was put in group 4 in which we programmed the micro sensors to detect how much water the soil of the plants outside got and if needed to activate a pump to water the plants.

    Day 5 Last day in Lleida.pdf


    In the second group we programmed 2 little games. One of them was a reflex game, in which we had to to stop a moving light in the middle of the micro:bit, which was pretty difficult at first but still very fun to play and the second game was a program inspired by the "coin game", the one where you throw a coin in the air and you have to guess on which side it will land, but here the program randomly picked a smiley face or a cross. Those students also prepared programs with which we could: measure the light intensity of the room, react to sounds, count something whenever you press a certain button or react to wind. We also listened to 3 short presentations about micro:bits and how we can use them to prevent the by catch and great lights to help young turtles to find their way into the sea and not get distracted from the city lights.
    After the workshop we had lunch and played volleyball and basketball for the rest of the time.







    Then everyone went home to their host families and we all met up again in the evening to have a good bye party in the school gym. We danced a lot and everyone had an awesome time!

    By Maya